
amberfalls - 2003-08-28 17:34:38
I'm so glad you checked in. I was wondering what had happened to you. Good luck with everything. It sounds like you have a full plate.
Katherine - 2003-08-28 18:25:36
Thanks for checking in! I'm so sorry about your friend, life so generously intersperses pain with all the beauty and magic. Keep on RainBathing...
Summer Gale - 2003-08-28 18:37:49
I was just thinking about you and was going to shoot off an email. I'm so glad that you checked in even though I'm very sad for your friend. Cancer is my worst enemy for the rest of my life. I too have a friend that will probably be diagnosed with lung cancer.
Carla - 2003-08-29 08:03:12
It's great to hear from you. I'm sorry it's bad news but what can ya do? I'll keep your friend in my thoughts. Please keep us updated on her. I've missed you too.
Eric - 2003-08-29 13:56:39
Ms. Leslie: I've been reading your diary for quite some time and I think I may have left one comment, but I just thought I needed to send out another one. I enjoy your diary very much and was sadden when it was not updated for two weeks...but then again, that's me being selfish. I say good for you for chucking that old body wash away and getting rid of the crappy sweetners. As Inaya Day sings "I just can't stop Dancin" Eric
chaosdaily - 2003-08-29 18:00:43
good to have you back. dance with your friend while you can. he/she needs a good friend now more than ever....
peachfront - 2003-08-31 18:05:35
That's really rough about your friend. I hope things will be going better soon. I would just like to thank you again for the van. It is working out for us very well. We just hauled 800 pounds of topsoil the other day, and it didn't blink an eye. We have to re-landscape our yard, so our plans for using the van for camping are set back a little, but we are very happy with how well maintained it was and how easy to keep it running. Again, thank you, and best wishes to you and your friend.
Crazylady 2229 - 2003-09-02 20:41:04
Sorry to hear about your friend...sometimes death just rears its ugly head to show us what is REALLY important. We lost one of our friends to an overdose last week, she was only 32. It somehow makes money problems seem very small. Take Care
cosmicrayola - 2003-09-03 19:02:25
If you have read my posts, you'll know that I would have commented earlier, but I have been having computer troubles here. I am sorry about your friend. All you can do is be there for her, but you know that already. I hope you feel like posting again soon. I MISS YOU LOTS!

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