
Jess - 2003-04-27 09:01:48
This is the second entry 2day and the second writing about the war.
cosmicrayola - 2003-04-27 09:30:04
(((hugs))), that's all. Just (((hugs))).
Karen Louise Scott - 2003-04-27 11:40:51
Good morning Leslie, Not going to your therapist will only compound the matter and it will remain in your mind, all twisted up. Karen
mrcleanluver - 2003-04-27 15:16:09
Katress - 2003-04-27 16:30:35
I wish there was something that I could say or do to make you feel better about the whole situation. But I'm right there with you. (((hugs)))
Dianna - 2003-04-27 16:51:47
I have the hardest time explaining to people that just because I detest the Dumba regime, that does not mean I don't support the troops. I've done a whole lot of collecting baby wipes, gum, mints, etc., to send overseas, but I don't agree with the politics. My brother, who did 3 tours in Vietnam, has had a really hard time since this war started. The PTSD seems to lay dormant until another crises makes it rear its ugly head. *Hugs* to you. You did more than your share.
scarecrow2 - 2003-04-27 17:44:02
is that a picture of you as a soldier? so young and innocent. i just missed the vietnam era by a year or so, but it still makes me angry to hear how those men suffered, and some still do. america should be ashamed for it. god bless.
your friend rebekah - 2003-04-28 18:17:38
(1) i agree with your friend dianna. (2) i'm so sorry that cosmic has family overseas :( -- and i was sick in ny this weekend because i didn't KNOW that there are armed guards in the subways and in grand central terminal. ms. leslie, you did your part and i'm glad you're safe at home. i'll be even more glad when cosmic's harry comes home.

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